Thursday, March 31, 2011

Legacy - Legabilis

A bequest or gift of goods and chattels by testament. It is either general, called also pecuniary, being a gift of money or other fungible substance in quantity; specific, being a gift or ear-marked money, or of other ear-marked fungible substance, in mass, of of any non fungible substance by description; or demonstrative, being a gift of money or other ear marked fungible substance, in mass or of any non fungible substance by description; or demonstrative, being a gift of money or other fungible substance in quantity, expressed to be made payable out of specified sum of money or other specified fungible substance; but such lagacies become, upon any destruction of the specified source of payment, merely general legacieis - Brown.

A legacy transfers on inchoate property to the legatee, and is not perfect without the assent of the executor.

Specific Legacy - Where a tester bequeaths to any person a specific part of his property, which is distinguished from all other parts of his property, the legacy is said to be specified.

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