Monday, April 11, 2011


A person is said to use force to another if he causes motion, change of motion, or cessation of motion to that other, or if he causes to any substance such motion, exchange of motion as brings that substance into contract with any part of that others body, or with anything which that other is wearing or carrying, or with anything so situated that such contract affects that others sense of feeling; provided that the person causing the motion, or change of motion, or cessation of motion, in one of the three ways hereinafter described: 1. By his own bodily power 2. By disposing any substance in such a manner that the motion, or change, or cessation of motion, takes place without any further act on his part or on the part of any other person. 3. By including any animal to move to change its motion, or to cease to move.

Criminal force- Whoever intentionally uses force to any person without that persons consent, in order to the committing of any offense, or intending by the use of such force to cause, or knowing it to be likely that by the use of such force, he will cause, injury fear or annoyance to the person to whom the force is used, is said to use criminal force to that other.

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