Friday, April 8, 2011


Petition is a formal application for a remedy in equity in a court of chancery based upon a claim if injury which could not adequately be redressed at law, Evan when courts of Chancery were formally abolished the term petition or bill was used for the introductory pleading in a suit in equity.

Petition is an application addressed to some Governmental body, or to some executive officer, urging an action lying within the discretion of that body or officer.  It is generally couched in terms of prayer and entreaty, even when the request emphasizes that what is sought for it a moral right.

Petition is an application to the head of the state, or to the highest authority in it, for relief from oppressive conditions.


  1. Valuable information shared. Thanks.

  2. Thank you Mr Bosch, keep reading and you can expect more about legal terms and legal services
